Often I am asked, “How do I start my personal finance journey?”

My answer is always the same: JUST START.

Starting anything in life can always be overwhelming whether it is a new job, relationship, personal finance, etc.

The biggest issue is that as humans we all have fears and when it comes to personal finance, we have the fear of being uncomfortable.  We are so comfortable with the way we live, we don’t want to make any changes. We fear that if we change our routines, things might not work out.

However, I am here to let you know to get out of that fear. Fear is an illusion that we fabricate in our minds.

Personally, I feared that when I embarked on my personal finance journey, I would not make it. I feared that I wouldn’t reach my goal of being debt-free and falling back into debt. But, I was tired of living from paycheck to paycheck, paying interest, and not having enough on my savings account. I just started and that was the best decision I ever made.

Again, I will tell you this: Just Start. The perfect antidote for FEAR is to start and make changes.

As we embark on this new year, I wish you all well for reading this blog and I hope to bring you a lot more gems in the future. FAREWELL 2020, HELLO 2021.

Until then, work on your fear of starting and you will thank yourself for it.


Your friend in personal finance,


Melodie E.O.

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